Striving for Excellence in Rehabilitation Care
Physical therapy is designed to treat pathological injuries that cause pain and/or dysfunction anywhere in the body. Physical therapy is extremely helpful in treating acute and chronic pain occurring at muscles and joints predominantly in the spine, back, and arms and legs essentially from head to toe where excessive amounts of movement occurs. Doctored physical therapy clinicians not only work on reducing the immediate pain, but they are movement specialists providing techniques that restore regular movement to a damaged area of the body.
​See your Clinical Doctor of Physical Therapy and contact now to begin your optimal
quality of lifestyle.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Providing consistent, high-quality, evidence based care in balance health to all persons with approaches of Canalith Repositioning, Equilibrium Balance, Dynamic Functional Coordination and FALL PREVENTION & more....
Autism Spectrum Disorders Dynamic Approach
Help developing age appropriate motor skills, have low muscle tone or problems with physcial functioning with family oriented care with empahsis on patient family ediucation
​Neuromuscular Re-education Balance / Proprioception Training​
The ability to manipulate body’s central mechanism to use vision, proprioception, auditory input, tactile input or knowledge about an impending movement pattern causing difficulty during functional mobility.
Fall Prevention: Improve Delayed Protective Mechanism
Amongst the elderly, injuries from fall are prevalent. Through treatment strategy to not only therapeutically strengthen the specific postural musculoskeletal system but to modulate the vestibular system promoting the vestibule-ocular reflex, vestibulocollic reflex and vestibulospinal reflex to further increase reaction time to prevent falls.
​Advanced Manual Therapy Techniques​
Innovative manual hand-on effective, non-invasive treatment approaches for physical functional mobility deficit. Manual therapy utilizes clinical evidenced base skills and techniques to diagnose and treat soft tissue and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain, reducing/ eliminating inflammation, increase range of motion, improving contractile/non-contractile tissue repair, stability and extensibility, induce relaxation, facilitate movement and improve functional mobility.
Cervical and Lumbar Distraction / Traction
The application of advanced manual therapy techniques and utilization of popular demanded pneumatic mechanical tractions devices invented by ComforTrac to produce the necessary force and joint separation to treat and manage cervical and lumbar musculoskeletal etiologies restricting pain free functions.
Disc Herniation Management
Respectively utilizing the essentials of clinically evidenced based advanced manual therapy techniques, traction devices, promoting appropriate postural habits, supportive modalities, core and low back stabilization to alleviate and manage correlating discal pathologies.
Joint Mobilization
An advanced manual therapy technique comprising of continuum of skilled passive movement to the joints and/or related soft tissue that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes including a small-amplitude/high velocity therapeutic movement. The essential component is to increase graded arthrokinematic mobility to further improve stable osteokinematic mobility.
Trigger Point Therapy
Evaluating and treating soft tissue knots those develop in muscle when it is injured or overworked. Trigger point causes pain directly, complicates injuries and mimics other etiologies. With the vast knowledge in musculoskeletal system, the abnormal pattern of soft tissue will be corrected accordingly for pain free mobility.
Advanced Soft Tissue Massage
The well advanced hand on and mechanical devices utilized to sooth and reduce muscle aches, improve irregular blood flow, de-activate hyperactive/ re-activate hypoactive musculatures, and re-alignment of superficial soft tissue structures for optimal return to active mobility.
Myofascial Manipulation / Release
The forceful passive movement of the musculofascial elements through the impeding directions beginning with its most superficial layers of the muscle system and progressing into the depth of soft tissue through appropriate grade and respectively to the relationship to the joints concerned. The essential is the specificity in releasing strain pattern in the according layers of connective tissue throughout the body and returning muscles to their proper tone and function.
Muscle Energy Techniques
Treatment strategy utilizing an active technique and direct manipulative procedure that uses a voluntary contraction of the musculoskeletal system against a distinctly controlled counterforce from a specific muscle oriented position and in a specific direction, thus rhythmically stabilizing muscle and joints in appropriate movement pattern.
McKenzie Exercise Programs
Profound objective measured treatment approach for centralized etiological back pain. The well studied approach utilizes graded periodic self positioning and stretching of the back to increase flexibility of the spine, and improve spinal mobility with patients with back pain.
Postural Training
Treatment strategy in educating the body to be aware of appropriate posture control to reduce spinal (joint and muscle) etilogies and correlating sequealae The appropriate alignment of spine through postural control is utmost essential in daily functions. Treatment consist alignment of osteokinetic relation to the head, neck, shoulder, entire back and their supporting musculatures.
Strengthening, Flexibility and Mobility Training
Not just exercise but highly specific and sensitive to function orientation of muscle and joint stability, appropriate extensibility and appropriate energy conserving mechanics in mobility to optimize specific patient goal in functional mobility.
Pre / Post-operative / Surgical Rehabilitation
Pre surgical candidates will increase stability and improve osteokinematic and musculofascial mobility for baseline objective measures and well prognosis for post surgical rehabilitation. Post-surgical rehabilitation will emphasize on intraoperative findings and surgeons recommendation that will be correlated with the evaluation clinical manifestation that will guide plan of care and the course of treatment for each patient. Psychological preparation for specific surgery and aftermath demand is also contributing factor for optimal post-operative rehabilitation.
Modalities (Mild Electrical Stimulation and Ultrasound)
The clinical methods constituting necessary application of Superficial and Deep Ultrasound, Pre-mod/ interferential electrical stimulation, Russian muscle re-education, High-volt, Transcutaneous electrical stimulation, general heat and cryotherapy for palliative care (pain modulation), mechanical and/or muscle re-education that can be utilized in every phase of rehabilitation.
Home Specific Exercise Program
Patient physical therapy continuum at home with the emphasis in maintenance of optimal recovery achieved at the clinic. Near rehabilitation discharge, pt will be provided with detailed therapeutic exercises, postural education, safety mechanics, energy conservative approaches in functional mobility to reduce chances of re-injury.
and many others..